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31 produits


151A Lower Premolars Extraction Forceps
16S Pedo Lower Molars Extraction
16S 1st and 2nd Lower Molars Extraction
10S Upper Molars Eextraction Forceps
150AF Apical Beak Extraction Forceps
222 3rd Lower Molars Extraction
210H Upper Wisdom Extraction Forceps
151AF Lower Universal Extraction
151S Lower Premolars Extration for Kids
151AS Universal Spilt Beaks Serrated Extraction Forceps
151A Upper incisors ,Canines Premolars
151 Lower incisors ,Canines PreMolars
150X Split Extraction Forceps
150X Split Extraction Forceps Prix de vente$90.00
150S Upper PreMolars Extraction for kids Extraction
150AS Split Extraction Forceps
150AS Split Extraction Forceps Prix de vente$90.00
150A Upper Premolars Incisors Extraction Forceps
150 Upper Premolars Incisors Root Canines
101 Universal Premolars Extractiong Forceps
99C Upper Premolars & Incisors
99C Upper Premolars & Incisors Prix de vente$90.00
88R Right 1st and 2nd Upper Molars
88L Left 1st and 2nd Upper Molars
69 Fragments & Upper &Lower Roots
65 Upper Incisors Root Ectraction Forceps
53R Right 1st and 2nd Upper Molars pointed Beak
53L Left 1st and 2nd Upper Molars pointed Beak
32 Upper Molars & Premolars
32 Upper Molars & Premolars Prix de vente$90.00
23 Lower Primary Molars CowHorn Beak
10H Upper Molars Extraction Forceps
6 Splitting Extraction Forceps
6 Splitting Extraction Forceps Prix de vente$90.00
5 3rd Lower Molars Extraction
5 3rd Lower Molars Extraction Prix de vente$90.00
1AF Upper Anterior Extraction Forceps